I don't know about you, but I sometimes find myself with almost nothing left in the fridge to make dinner a fresh :( Last Tuesday I looked in the fridge and saw a container of last nights Lamb, a bag of red and yellow peppers, an onion, and some cloves of garlic. First I thought YES, the perfect ingredients for a nice stir-fry.... only I had no rice, I had no appropriate pasta, and I didn't have time to run to the store.
What luck that I remembered all those long wooden things that act as kabob skewers! Oh yeah... they're called skewers.
ANYWAY. what you will need is:
A random vegetable, - in my case red and yellow peppers
Another random vegetable - in my case sliced onions
Wait for it... ANOTHER random vegetable - in my case garlic
and some left over meat - in my case lamb!
pop em on the skewers and pop them in the oven at 350 for 10 mins.
VIOLA, delicious, quick and easy kabobs for everyone!
If it happens to be summer and you're doing barbeque skewers (or if you have one of those indoor grill things) and there are vegetarians (or you're just overloaded on meat for the day), then a good replacement for the meat can be perogies -- if frozen, boil them for about two minutes to get them soft enough to skewer, and then pretty much do this, except brush with olive oil and grill for 3-5 minutes per side; nom nom nom :D