Monday, August 1, 2011

All of my prayers have been answered: Iced London Fog

So I have travelled all over this city asking for crazy unspeakable beverages before, so I am unsurprised that people say no; however, it came as a shock when people refused to even think about an Iced London Fog.

It happened one hot July day that I happened to wish "wouldn't it be awesome to have a COLD london fog?" So I asked. I asked cafe's and restaurants and coffee shops, all in vain. Everyone either shook their head or looks conserned before refusing.

BUT NO MORE. I love QV cafe - it has always been a choice hangout - but it warmed my heart that when I shyly asked for a cold london fog my request was met with not only a yes, but an enthused yes from a kindred spirit! The lovely lady made me the Iced London Fog and we tasted it until it was perfect.

So yes, I am right now fullfilling a wish as I type away with one hand, and hold my drink in the other.

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